IMH 74:4 p327

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)

Saturday October 9th.

It was hot to-day and there were signs of rain but none came. Father went to Ballingertown(21) again to work at his chimney contract.
He returned about five o clock having used all his brick and not got done. Alvin and I went to town in the hack this morning to deliver
the butter. Crowds were gathering to attend the Republican grand rally.(22) We did not stay long in town. An attempt was made to
block the road a little this side of town but after some delay and bluster the right of way was granted. We had to draw up at the side
of the road a little distance from this end of the bridge and wait perhaps half an hour for the procession from the south west and
western parts of the county to pass. We got home before noon, and after dinner raked and set up the cut buckwheat which was
full of burrs. Not a great deal of enthusiasm was exhibited in the part of rally that I saw though the crowd was immense; far greater
than that of yesterday.

Teaching Notes:  Here we have another this case the Republican party.  Reading William Gregory's reports  on both rallies
would not leave one guessing long about the political leanings of the Harrison family. Morgan county remains a Republican stronghold
in 2008 with only one elected Democrat official ( a township trustee). Each party had their own newspapers so one did not have to guess
about the bias. You might ask your students if they think that is better than the "neutral" positions that networks and news media wrap
themselves in today.