IMH 74:4 p 339

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)

Saturday, October 30th.

Father and I went to town in the hack. I was up at Uncle Rip's a few moments only, I made no purchases.
Father bought a few necessaries and we started home before noon. There was to be a Republican rally in
town to-day. Many people were there but not more than the average Saturday crowd. Father and Alvin
put in their time till night on the building. Alvin worked at it part of the forenoon. It was heavily cloudy all
day and rained slightly at noon. It was a good deal warmer.

Teaching Notes: As mentioned earlier, 1880 was an presidential election year. The election will be
held the coming Tuesday. Then as now, political rallies were a common occurrence. Theirs, however,
did not start a year or more in advance.