IMH 74:4 p

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)

Friday, October 29th.

Bob Foster was on hand pretty early and Father and he spent the day putting the roof on the new building.
They lacked one course of getting half the roof on. Alvin also helped at it in various ways. I took another
load of wood to town. I delivered it to Mr E. W. Callis.49 All that I have hauled before this has been
delivered to Mr. Faulkner.50 I got home at one o'clock after which Alvin and I hauled up the remainder
of the clap boards across the creek. We hauled a little wood in the last load. Jake was down with his
team and sled after his barrel of salt this morning.

Teaching notes: There is no snow. Ask the students why Jake used his sled. It was not far to
Jake  Harrison's farm and the sled would have prevented him from having to lift the heavy barrel
of salt into a wagon and unloading the same.