IMH 74:4 p334

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)

Tuesday October 19th.

It was snowing when we got up and kept at it till nearly noon. It only got a couple of inches deep in spots however.
The sky cleared at noon and the snow disappeared. Father rode up to Mrs. Crone's this morning but could'n't do
anything as they had a fire in the "place:' So he soon came back and disappeared again till noon. I spent a little while
with Wat who came up to salt his cattle after dinner and spent about two hours and a half digging Alvin's sweet
potatoes; got about a bushel. Father worked at his stable part of the time. The Hand boys came after dinner and
he put them at work on another tree across the creek. Alvin squizzed38 most of the forenoon and helped Father
a little in the afternoon.

Teaching Notes: Salt is a  necessary ingredient of all diets. If cows do not get salt, they will find a place in
the soil that  has what they lack and "eat dirt." This might be a good time to also mention the need for iodine
in the diet of man and beast for a healthy thyroid. Iodine insufficiency led to a disorder called a "goiter"
which was a large unsightly growth in the front of the neck. They were too common in the 19th and early
20th centuries when the cause was determined and iodine was put into salt.