IMH 74:4 329
"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)
Sunday October 10th
I felt not precisely well all day. I seemed to have a great deal of phlegm in my throat and still have no proper cold. The day was very
warm partly cloudy. Three "singins" were held on the creek to-day; forenoon, afternoon, and night. I attended a part of all three lessons.
The crowd was small on all three occasions but still large enough. I was at Bob Foster's during most of the night "singin" talking to him
and Rev. Mr Moore(23) who was there. K. ygov jqog ykvj Cnjeg (2[?]) Hqyngt chvgt pkyv ukprkpi(24) The rest of the folks staid at
home except Alvin who took a "jook" once
Teaching Notes: As Mr. Miller will note in the introduction to Part 2 of the Chonicles, William Gregory's code was discovered by
many (one was one of my students). One simply has to write the abphabet and then go forward or backwards the same amount ... in
this case back "solve" the code. Generally, they are indicative of the Victorian age he was in.
Notice again that Sunday's were devoted to church and semi-recreational activities. Ask your students if in addition to church
attendence ---if they go, does their family engage in more relaxing and recreational activities or are their Sundays like their Saturdays?