IMH 74:4 344 346

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)

Saturday November 13th

Father and Alvin laid the floor in the kitchen extension. The kitchen is now three feet longer and I don't know how
much colder. At about ten o clock Father and I started in the hack to town. I was up at Uncle Rip's a few moments.
Various things hindered our starting back till three o clock. When we got here supper was eaten and immediately
afterward Alvin and I went to hauling in the rest of the buckwheat. It took us a good while after sunset as it did
yesterday but the moonlight was bright. We also hauled up a jag of fireplace wood afterward. It was a cold sour
day. Bro Runyon held forth at Lamb's creek at night and I went. I was gallivinating over the country with girls and
boys till 1 o'clock

Teaching Notes: Again the reminder that it appears that the primary source of heat was a fireplace and any more
area to heat may have made the house colder. Wood stoves and wood cook stoves were available in 1880, but
there is no mention of either in the journal...only the fireplace.

Some things never change---"gallivinating over the country with girls and
boys till 1 o'clock."