IMH 75:2 208

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Thursday, May 19th

Weather precisely as yesterday except that it was warmer
through the day. John Dilly came soon and after some picking
over got what seemed to me a half bushel of seed corn. Mr.
David Bothwell(92) came on the same errand about nine o'clock
but, as Pap had already gone to Willis O'Neals's, he went on up
to Foster's, and got his seed corn there. Father got back home
between ten and eleven o'clock and went to putting down carĀ­
pet in the fireplace room after which things were moved back
and seemed to resume their normal condition. I finished the
"land" begun yesterday, plowed a strip which was left between
it and the land finished yesterday and by four o'clock had it all
harrowed. Pap then went to laying off and I taking Hemp and
the sled went over on Foster's place and got the drill. It was
pretty hard pulling. After I got home. Alvin rode Hemp and
guided him and I drilled till night in that way. John Kivett
was here a little while and got four of his fruit cans in the