IMH 75:2 206

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Sunday, May 15th.

There was a fall of 34° in the temperature between yester­
day noon and this morning and all day a cool wind blew and
blew hard. The thermometer indicated 92° at 12 Oclock yester­
day. Wat came up to salt his cattle and I was with him for
awhile, so long that I only got to "Lord's Day School" in time to
see the collection taken up etc. There was the usual Social after
L.D.S. Alvin went to Jake's but got back by three o'clock.
About two Pap departed into the city of Ballingertown and was
gone till sundown. Uncle Rip, Aunt Mary and Virgy came up in
their carriage, shortly after Alvin got back. An excursion into
the regions of the upper 80 was immediately taken by all of us
the men walking the rest in the carriage. Father got home
about sundown and after milking it was decided that the cow
whose name is "Sheep" should go a visiting I was a horseback;
he afoot It took considerable racing before we got them into
the road and more afterward but I finally got to Wat's with
them a good deal in advance of Pap. Got them back home
without very much trouble.

Teaching Note; The cow "sheep" was going "visiting" because Wat evidently had a bull.
Cattle do not give milk over a long period without having a calf.. nuff said. Again I can
imagine two on horseback ..driving a cow named sheep down the road. Just that picture
in mind brings a smile.

L.D.S. is likely Lord's Day Service.