IMH 75:2 185-186

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Tuesday, March 22nd

A cloudy day with occasional sunshine and a cool north
wind. The harvest of sap was about five barrels. I did not do
any thing but stay in the house and take four yaller powders.
This combination of toothache, neuralgia and fever is an unĀ­
mitigated nuisance. I did go up to the camp a short while in the
afternoon. Reid, John and Pap were all there. The visitors
were; Billy Ballinger in the afternoon and Oliver Hinson and
Thomas Devere at night. Alvin was gyrating around at various
places during the day. A gay time was had in the sugar camp
at night. John Foster and Say Kivett were there besides those
already mentioned. Two of them went to Foster's got a stove
kettle and they then cooked down about three pints of syrup to
sugar. I was not able to be there.

Teaching notes; The Yaller Powders" may have been a sulfa concotion of some sort.
Sulfa drugs are still used for dealing with infections in both animal and man..