IMH 75:2 185

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Saturday, March 19th.

It rained in showers all of last night and up to nearly ten
o'clock today when the wind began to blow hard from the south
and west. It grew colder and occasional small spurts of snow
flakes fell. Bill Hand came shortly after breakfast and about
ten o'clock Father and he started in the hack to town. Nothing
was done here as it was too bad and threatening weather to be
out doors. Father got back about four o'clock He brought a
letter from Grandmother who, it appears, is in fair health and
inclined to stay where she is. John Foster was here a moment
in the evening after his Father's mail.

Teaching Note: Saturdays were generally "go to town days." The bring of mail would indicate
two things. First, there was no daily delivery of mail to the farms and secondly, there
must have been a mutual understanding of the postmaster and the neighbors to allow
someone else to pick up your mail... something we have sadly lost. You might take that
example and "run with it" in a classroom discussion. There was some "good" in the "good ole days."
Now we live with instant news and email and tweets..and unfortunatley too often, distrust.