IMH 75:2 184

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Friday, March 18th.

Still another one was gone this morning and she was put
into the buggy shed for to-night. The day began clear and
bright, and closed with a sky that threatened rain. Alvin has
been for several days cutting up some beech trees just above
the "orchard" the idea being to make a potato patch up there. I
helped him saw up the body of one of the trees this forenoon.
Father spent the forenoon helping Foster and Hand again.
After dinner he and I plowed and scraped up a small levee near
the junction of the Ballingertown branch and the big creek. It
was pretty hard on both horses and men. We picked up a
wagon load composed of driftwood and fencer rails near our line.
Alvin worked away at his potato patch most of the afternoon.
Jasper and Tilda (77) children of Wm Bunton, were here this
forenoon after soap-grease. They got a small supply and also a
bone with a small amount of meat on it.


Teaching Note: The children are on a mission to collect grease for the purpose of
making soap. The gift of the bone with a small amount of meat is uncertain. It may
have been used for seasoning or perhaps for their dog. It is rather odd that little mention
is made of a dog with the Harrisons. Dogs were as much "work" animals as they were
pets. They would bring in the cows for milking or protect livestock from predators. My
grandfather and great Uncle both had a small dairy herd. The dog, a shepherd, was
nearly always named "Jack" or "Jill." When bring the herd in for milking it was not
uncommon to see the dog on the back of he last cow.. riding and encouragingly barking
"keep it moving" commands.