IMH 75:2 183

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Monday, March 14th.

Joe Ballinger and Aleck Benge came early to get the saw.

They helped Bob and Bill Hand at the wood contract all day.
John, Pap, and Alvin, "ran" the sugar camp to-day, got about 5
barrels of sap and had three visitors John's wife Mattie FosĀ­
ter and Tenie Fowler. I was detailed to act as clerk of the
board of a special election to vote on the Amendments to the
state Constitution.(75) Will Bain was the other clerk and Jack
Hinson and Henry Fowler(76) were the judges, Wat of course
being inspector. We had a pretty good time; 88 votes being cast
during the day we had no very hard work. We began counting
out at four o'clock and by six were at home. I made some
blunders on the tally sheets which kept us longer than would
have been necessary had I been "up to business" There was a
tolerably hard freeze last night and it was nearly clear and
thawed nicely all day. Father's 52nd birthday to day

Teaching Note; This is a good example of the importance and role of the State Constitution.
Although Indiana became a State in 1816, the constitution in 1881was only 30 years old -- the
original one of 1816 was replaced by another one written in 1851. It is also a good time to
point out that women were not permitted to vote. That was to change with the 19th
amendment forty years 1920.