IMH 75:2 165

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Friday, January 28th.

Another ice day. Foster put in his appearance before eight
o'clock. Pap had to put another "half-sole" or wooden shoe on
his sled having twisted one off yesterday. Alvin and I both
staid at home this forenoon. They got back with the first two
loads about noon, put them away and were started back to the
river by two o'clock I went with them then. We were back and
had all the ice stored away before dark. It mounts in all I think
to 5 tuns at least. John the calf for some unknown reason
refused to eat to-day. The mercury stood at zero this morning
and 20 above all day. Clear and nice


Teaching note: Cutting ice out of the river...the temperature hoving just aboce zero. I simply cannot imagine.