IMH 75:2 164-165

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Thursday, January 27th.

Bill Bunton came about 7 o'clock this morning. He thought
we had lately killed hogs and he had come after the heads. He
soon left. Bob was on hand with his sled soon after breakfast,
and our team was soon hitched up. Father and Alvin went
while I staid at home. It was two o'clock when they got back
from the river with perhaps 5000 lbs of ice between them. It
took till sundown to get it stowed away in the sawdust in the
log building lately put up, at the corner of the big crib. They
got stuck twice or rather Bob did while getting home. I helped
Bill Dezzarn a short time in loading logs this morning and
chored around at various things till they got home when I
helped them with the ice. A noteworthy circumstance it is that
John the calf eats milk from the pail without any training
whatever. A nearly clear, cold, windy day. Very little thaw.


Teaching Notes. 5000 pounds of ice! About how much is that. An average car weighs about 4000 pounds.

The calf is nursing from a bucket with a teat on it. The cow is proably giving more mile that the calf can
consume, so they are milking and givin it what it needs and consuming the rest.