IMH 75:2 164

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Tuesday, January 25th.

The same kind of weather as yesterday without the snow.

Father made two trips with the sled to Hyndsdale(46) after saw­
dust from where the saw mill formerly stood at that place. I
went with him the last time. Frona's calf was shut up in a pen
made for it in the cow barn. Its name is to be John. Alvin
squizzed away the greater part of the day. Mother is about
entirely recovered


Teaching Note: You miht ask the students what they think the sawdust will be used for..
they will speculate all sort of things except the correct answer which is to insulate the ice
that they are going to cut out of the river and put it an an outbuilding. Just the thought of
cutting ice...and then hauling seems like a monumental task.

Properly insulated, the ice would be available until mid-Spring..maybe longer. The question
then becomes what might they use the ice for? We take for granted such simple pleasure of
ice in our tea or soft drinks. Keep in mind the only refrigeraion was the outdoors or a
Spring House were the temperatures were just cool... not cold.