IMH 75:2 177-178

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Monday February 28th.

The snow was nearly three inches deep at daylight and had
drifted considerably. It snowed in squalls more or less hard all
day. Nothwithstanding this Father went off riding Hemp, pro­
fessedly to Herbemont or as it is generally called Pine City.(68)
He was gone about five hours and got back by two o'clock. We
had two visitors. Bob Foster came to bring the sausage-grinder
home and staid three hours. He went away a little after noon.
Hardly had he disappeared when Jake arrived If he had any
especial business it is unknown to me. Nothing of much ac­
count was done. I got down the sap boiling pans and put them
to soak

Teaching note: The traveling sausage-mill. It looks like the next farming adventure will be making what?