IMH 75:2 175

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Monday, February 21st.

That mingled snow and rain was in very small quantity. It
froze last night and thawed to day, one in about equal extent
with the other. The sun shone brightly all day and there were
very few clouds. Hauling wood was the principal business of the
day. The wood was some more of that cut by Ballinger's last
spring Father and I hauled one load before noon. After dinner
he took the Ira Moore note and some money, went up to Mr
Rodger's(65) found Mrs Moore there delivered her the note and
$6 in money thus ending the complicated history of those two
notes. I continued hauling wood and got three loads over before
night. I was assisted somewhat by Alvin who spent the inter­
vals between loads where Foster and Hand were at work on the
wood contract. One of O'Neal's cows was sick and this after­
noon on receipt of the intelligence from Father, at least seven
men from the "city" were down trying to doctor her.


Teaching note; Although the telephone had been invented (1876), it was
not to be a household item for another 20 to 40 years. Yet there was
an effective method...a "reciept of the intelligence." Specualte on how that worked.