IMH 75:2 171

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Thursday, February 10th.

At about 9 o'clock last night the rain quit. It snowed a
slight squall this morning then ceased and remained cloudy
and rather sour till night. Nothing of much importance was
done. Father wandered about down at the creek veiwing the
desolation. The road fence is broken in five places and most of
the rails gone; John Fowler's wheat is smeared over with sand
and slush in many places, logs, rails chunks and cakes of ice
are scattered over it in great profusion; the road is in some
places hollowed out, in places filled up with sand, and in still
other places blocked with ice. Father made enough fence to
keep the cows out of the wheat and the road, and spent some
time over in the woods with Bob Foster who was waiting for
Bill Hand to come. Bill I believe did'n't come. Alvin was in the
shop except a little time while he was helping me at the
wood-pile. The world looks positively filthy to me in its mud
and water.

Teaching Note: In Indiana, wheat is planted in mid- October until mid- November.
It sprouts and grows a bit before the winter. It usually starts greening up in February
and March. That is before the pasture grasses begin gowing again. It is harvested
around the 4th of July. For it to be "smeared over with sand" is not a good thing as
it would not be good to have the cattle eating it.