IMH 75:2 168

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Saturday, February 5th.

Bill Hand came before we had breakfast Bob Foster shortly
after. Bill came to get "a turn of corn" and go to town, Bob
came to go to town and get coffee and coal-oil. Father concluded
as there was the usual amount of cutting, salting, sausageĀ­
making, etc. consequent upon hog killing; that he would'n't go
to town to-day So we three started about ten o'clock in the
hack The creek had flung cakes of ice into the road in two
places one of which caused a little interruption of our progress.
I made a conditional purchase of a pair of heavy pants at the
store and lounged around town till two 0 clock when with three
additional passengers we started back home. Bill Hand and Bill
Bunton came clear to the house and the rough meat (heads,
feet, etc) of the hogs killed yesterday were bestowed on them,
and by them were carried off. Mrs Nancy Ballinger and a small
boy of her kindred were here to borrow or rather get soap. The
day was chilling cold and thinly clouded though the mercury
did not stand very low. The air was damp.