IMH 75:2 167

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Thursday, February 3rd.

A slight coat of snow was on the ground this morning and
was increased by small squalls till noon. It remained partly
cloudy till night and was a few degrees colder than yesterday.
Father departed early to Martinsville on Stoke's appraisement
business as per engagement made last Tuesday and did'n't get
home again till four o'clock. Alvin was in the shop most of the
day. That combination machinery resembles Mr Dick's "Memo­
rial" in David Copperfield, as regards completion. I made part
of the limbs hauled yesterday into firewood. Bob Foster was
here awhile this forenoon to see about sending to town. We
made him a present of Charley's(55) old overshoes to wear while
his toe was sore