IMH 74:4 361

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)

Saturday, December 25th

It began snowing this morning and kept at it till about three o'clock when it quit and by eight o clock
was clear. It was'n't more than a half inch deeper when it quit. Father and I started to town in the
hack taking; first a wooden cross made a long time ago by Alvin for Effie; a lot of nuts for the girls;
and lastly a box containing the strange "yaller" cat that came last Sunday.; It was let out between
Amos Hart's and town.88 I ate dinner at Uncle Rip's having gone up there after I thought dinner
was over. I bought a copy of the Scientific American and one of the American Agriculturist for Alvin;
also a pair of gum boots at the store for myself. We got home by 3.30 o'clock. I have omitted to state
that I wrote a letter to Grandmother last night. It was sent to-day. It was not a very busy day in town.