IMH 74:4 359-60

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)

Monday, December 20th.

It was snowing when we got up and kept at it slowly nearly all day but was'n't an inch deep at night.
Alvin was in the squiz shop the greater part of the time making so-called improvements on his
fanning-mill. He and I sawed up one of the logs hauled Dec. 11th and I split it up, which was about
all I did. Cal Curtis got his last jag of corn out of the field this forenoon and our cows were very
soon let on the stalks. Father tinkered around at various jobs during the day.

Teaching notes: Here is a picture of two men cutting wood in 1929 with a cross cut saw probably very similar to what
Alvin and William Gregory used to saw wood. It isn't easy work. The logs need to be laid in "saw horse" in
order for the workers to best utilize the saw. When sawing, one generally just pulls. There is a sort of rhythm to it.