IMH 75:2 200

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Saturday, April 30th

Another cool day with considerable clouds. Father and I
started to town about nine o'clock in the wagon taking eggs,
butter, five sacksfull of corn, some (all of the) harrow teeth, and
Tenie Dezearn's basket of butter besides. I made no purchases
and got nothing except that I got tired. Father bought things
too numerous to mention individually here. We got home some
little after five o'clock. While we were gone Alvin and Mother
took almost every article of furniture out of the fireplace room
and went to scraping off the whitewash They did'n't get
nearly done and apparently will not for a week. After we came
home Father and Alvin burnt the harrow teeth into the new
wood-work. The new harrow is to be a foot longer than the old