IMH 75:2 199

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Wednesday, April 27th.

Hot in the forenoon. A cooling wind from the north blew
most of the afternoon and threatening clouds passed over with
a few drops of rain. It was'n't much cooler at night There was
nothing of much importance done here. I spent most of the
forenoon and part of the afternoon in clearing the creek end of
the field south of Hand's wheat. Picked up the chunks that the
overflow of the creek had deposited there, and burnt them. I
also took out a few "grubs." During the afternoon I mended at
the garden-fence Alvin fixed some woodwork for a new harrow
and squizzed the remainder of the day, putting a new footpower
to his combination lathe and saw mill. Father went a­
horse-back to town this morning and got back at 4.30 0 clock.
He did some assessing on the road. Aleck Benge came a­
beast-back and got some potatoes both late and early, a peck of
each kind.

Teaching note: The squiz is now described.. a combination lathe and saw mill.

A peck is a quarter of a bushel. Students will likely only encounter a peck at an orchard.