IMH 75:2 193

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Sunday, April 10th.

It was a day of sunshine and about 60 degrees of warmth,
with threatening clouds Nobody but Alvin went far off the
place this forenoon: he took a jook somewhere in the direction
of Fowler's. After dinner I went up to Crone's a-horseback. A
tolerable sized crowd listened with patience to sermon from Mr.
Moore of which being a late arrival I did not hear the text, and
could only guess at the subject. I went down to Wat's and
Bain's awhile before coming home.

Teaching Note: Throughout the journal is is evident that Sunday was for the most
part, a day of rest. it has only been within the last 50 or so years that businesses
are open on Sundays, although many are not...such as Chik-fila. A discussion on this
could be interesting