IMH 75:2 190-191

"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)


Tuesday, April 5th.

Another partially cloudy day with north wind and raw
chilly air. Alvin and I spent the forenoon sawing poplar
stovewood on the Upper 80.(83) It was hard work as the logs were
almost too big for the saw In the afternoon we hauled the
wood to the house and sawed one of the logs in two once more
and split it up with Father's help or rather he split it up with a
little help from Alvin. We had two sled loads of poplar wood of
a tolerably good quality as a result of the day's work. Father
worked up some more of his oak tree, and spent some time
where Foster and Hand were at work I believe. A tree-peddler
visited these haunts today, but for a wonder was easily bluffed
off. Kivett siruped off alone before noon and did'n't get any sap
this evening. He had one visitor, Bill Dezearn. John Foster was
here to borrow corn-meal but did'n't get any and Bob brought
some corn down to be taken to town tomorrow