IMH 75:2 189
"Chronicles of Upper Burnet" (1)
Saturday, April 2nd
John Kivett and Bob Foster came early to send to town,
and to get tools to freshen the sugar-trees with. The day began
clear but soon got cloudy and was cold chillingly so. About dark
it began to snow. Father and I went to town in the hack,
starting about ten o'clock. I went to Kennedy(80) to see about
getting my two old teeth pulled. He prodded them and poked
them but I could'n't get my mouth open wide enough for comĀ
fort so I deferred it till a more convenient season. We got home
about four o'clock. Alvin chored around visited the camp
awhile, as also did Pap for a little while after supper.
Teaching Note: They are getting near the end of the maple sap run, The darker stronger
flavored syrup is called "frog" syrup because the spring peepers are often peeping as the nights
and days are warmer.. Their sound is one of the earliest harbingers of Spring!